(no subject)

Feb 09, 2006 19:08

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Okay guys, So it's definatly(sp) been a while since I've written something in here for real.... so here it goes... since my last entry I have gotten and lost an amazing boyfriend, gotten closer to God through that trial, and discovered alot of hidden things about myself. It's amazing how weird and stupid I used to think my family was for the way they sometimes acted, but I realise NOW that, thats my family, and they are the way they are because thats the way theyve always been taught, and that I'm not so different from them after all. I realised Converse arent the only shoes I like wearing, lol. Ive learned that dressing up makes me feel pretty. I've learned that I'm sometimes way to silly to be 15, and last but not least I've realised alot in my walk with God...

Is it just me?... or have I made progress?>

I love love love my friends too death, I miss those times we used to have though, when we were all less mature and INSANE.... when we all excepted each other no matter the circumstances, when we all went to ONE persons house invited or not....when we used to ride fourwheelers and go mudding just cause we wanted to get dirty lol.... man, guys weve had great times, those are times I wont ever forget....

I've also made alot of older friendships stronger, like the ones I have with JILL, and MELEAH, and TIFFANY, and KELSEY MOORE. Which don't get me wrong, I LOVEEE GETTING CLOSER TO PEOPLE, but I do miss the old times with "THE CREW"... are we still going to the summit for the reunion on like march something??? I HOPE SOOO... anyways.... I guess I've rambled enough for one entry, this should do yall good for another month lol, just kidding.

If I knew how to put pictures on here I would, Jill, you have to help me when you come over next time...

MY HOUSE IS OPEN TO ANYONE WHO WISHED TO STAY THE NIGHT THIS SATURDAY NIGHT AFTER THE PAGEANT, as long as you know you going to church with me and my mommy the next morning, to her church....

If you LOVE JESUS, you have to comment on this entry no matter what, just cause I say soo lol..!!!! <3 yall!!

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